Interconnected Systems Framework

The Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) is an emerging approach for building a single system to address mental health and social-emotional well-being in schools. The Interconnected Systems Framework uses MTSS core features to ensure mental health is embedded in all aspects of the learning environment.

This framework guides state, district, and community leaders to fund and modify policies and procedures to help every system work more efficiently. Clinicians – supported by integrated district structures – become part of multi-tiered school teams to address the social-emotional and behavior needs of all students. ISF expands the PBIS framework as a way to assist teams and enhance their efforts. (


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Social Emotional Learning: Cultivating Essential Life Skills

Social-Emotional Learning needs to be deliberate and explicit in teaching prosocial behavior, coping strategies, emotional regulation, and problem solving skills. In this episode of PaTTANpod, Kelly Perales shares why this explicit instruction is needed and how we can go about conducting this instruction. PaTTANpod is brought to you by the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, and is a discussion forum for speaking to national and regional professionals in the field of education.

ISF Resources