School Wide Applying For Recognition

What are the eligibility requirements for recognition?

  • Universal (Tier One) Initial Implementation with Fidelity
    • 70% Benchmarks of Quality (spring prior to recognition year)
    • A minimum of 80% participation rate of certified staff on theSelf-Assessment Survey
    • 70% Tiered Fidelity Inventory- Tier 1- average with a completed walk through
  • Universal (Tier One) Sustained Implementation with Fidelity
    • Recognized for Tier 1 fidelity for the previous school year
    • A minimum of 80% participation rate of certified staff on theSelf-Assessment Survey
    • 70% Tiered Fidelity Inventory- Tier 1- average with a completed walk through
  • Universal and Tier Two Implementation with Fidelity
    • Recognized for Tier 1 fidelity for the previous school year
    • A minimum of 80% participation rate of certified staff completion on theSelf-Assessment Survey
    • 70% Tiered Fidelity Inventory- Tier 1 and 2- average with a completed walk through
  • Implementation Fidelity at all three Tiers
    • Recognized for Tier 1 fidelity for the previous school year
    • A minimum of 80% participation rate of certified staff on theSelf-Assessment Survey
    • 70% Tiered Fidelity Inventory- Tier 1, 2, and 3- average with a completed walk through.

How does our school apply for School Wide PaPBS Recognition?

Contact your PaPBS Independent Schoolwide (SW) Facilitator for the Recognition Application.  The application is completed electronically and returned to your PaPBS Independent SW Network Facilitator along with your required annual data. 

How do I know what level of recognition I should apply for?

Completion of the recognition application is a coordinated effort between your school and the PAPBS Independent Schoolwide (SW) Network Facilitator.  You will work with them to determine the most appropriate application for recognition.

What data do we need to submit with our application?

All year end data from the prior school year is required to be submitted to your District Coach and Independent Schoolwide (SW) Network Facilitator prior to the application due date for the current school year.  (e.g. if the due date for recognition applications is Oct. 1st, all annual data is due by Oct. 1st).  However, best practice would be to submit the data that is needed as soon as it is available at the end of each academic year.
Each school must submit, at a minimum, the following annual data from the prior academic year:

  •  # of school days in session
  •  # of students enrolled
  • Total # of Major Office Discipline Referrals
  • # of days of out of school suspension served
  • # of students expelled
  • # of students placed in educational settings outside of the neighborhood school 
  • #  students placed in an out of school placement that are students with emotional disabilities
  • Names of any collaborating mental health agency(ies)

What if I am missing some of my annual data?

Adjustments to annual data submission for recognition have been made to include the minimum application requirements.  It is best practice to have these data submitted well in advance and prior to the beginning of a school year in which a school team is applying for recognition to allow for communication across departments in a school district to fulfill this requirement.  If a school team is missing annual data, they are not eligible to apply for recognition.  Extenuating circumstances impacting missing data must be communicated from the Independent Schoolwide (SW) Network Facilitator to the PaPBS Network Coordinator before the application due date.

What happens if our school missed recognition for a year (or more)? Which category do we apply for now?

In the event that a school does not meet the fidelity requirement on the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI), the following adjustments are to be made:

If the school applied for Tier 1 Initial or Tier 1 Sustaining and scores less than 70% on the TFI, then the school is not eligible for recognition for the current school year.

If the school applied for Tiers 1-2 recognition and scores less than 70% on the TFI Tier 1, the school is not eligible for recognition for the current school year.

If the school applies for Tiers 1-2 recognition and scores 70% or greater on TFI Tier 1, but less than 70% on TFI Tier 2, the school application for recognition must be revised to Tier 1 Sustaining in pTrack by the Independent Local Independent Schoolwide (SW) Network Facilitator.

If the school applies for Tiers 1-2-3 recognition and scores less than 70% on the TFI Tier 1, the school is not eligible for recognition for the current school year, regardless of Tier 2 and 3 scores.

If the school applies for Tiers 1-2-3 recognition and scores 70% or greater on TFI Tier 1, but less than 70% on Tier 2 (regardless of the score on TFI Tier 3), the school application for recognition must be revised to Tier 1 Sustaining in pTrack by the Independent SW Network Facilitator.

If the school applies for Tiers 1-2-3 recognition and scores 70% or greater on TFI Tier 1, 70% or greater on TFI Tier 2, but less than 70% on TFI Tier 3, the school application must be revised to Tiers 1-2 in pTrack by the Network Facilitator.

Can the recognition category be changed after it is submitted? (Example: Initially apply for all three tiers and decide to apply for Tiers 1 and 2 only.)

The recognition category can be changed once it is submitted and coordinated with your Independent Schoolwide (SW) Network Facilitator.  The Independent SW Network Facilitator will revise the recognition category in the pTrack Recognition section and click Save.  All recognition category changes must be submitted prior to the Tiered Fidelity Inventory due date (e.g. if the TFI due date is April 21st, changes to the recognition category must be entered into pTrack no later than April 21st).  If there are extenuating circumstances that necessitate a category change outside of the due date, the Independent SW Network Facilitator must contact their PAPBS Network Coordinator.

When will we be informed if we met the recognition requirements?

Schools are notified by your PAPBS Independent SW Network Facilitator in the spring as to meeting recognition requirements.